Reply To: Bad category in TraceMethod

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Ray Konopka


    I suspect that you are using the same logger instance when calling the TraceMethod method as well as the other Send() calls within the method. The TraceMethod call will result in the same logger to be used when the method exits to send the ExitMethod message. Therefore, if the category of the logger changes inside the method, then that category will be used when sending the ExitMethod message. You would get the same behavior if you called EnterMethod() instead of TraceMethod at the beginning of the method, and ExitMethod() at the end.

    However, if you use a separate logger instance, then the categories are maintained. For example,

    procedure TForm30.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      CodeSite.Category := 'CodeSite';
      csTracer := TCodeSiteLogger.Create( Self );
      csTracer.Category := 'Tracer';
    procedure TForm30.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      csTracer.TraceMethod( 'Button1Click' );
      CodeSite.Send( 'Height', Height );
      CodeSite.Send( 'Main Form', Self );

    The csTracer is defined as a private field in the form declaration. When you click the button, the EnterMethod and ExitMessage messages in the Viewer will be associated with the “Tracer” category, while the Height and Main Form messages will be associated with “CodeSite”.
